Lemon & chive buckwheat crepes w/ silky scrambled eggs & smoked salmon

Lemon & chive buckwheat crepes w/ silky scrambled eggs & smoked salmon

I can’t resist trying to tart up even the most simple recipe a little. Here I’ve added lemon zest and chives to my favourite buckwheat crepes recipe. This addition is bright and punchy and plays beautifully with the smoked salmon. You could also try using dill or parsley.  

When it comes to making scrambled eggs, make sure you have the temperature really low and keep the spatula movements sweeping and smooth. Don’t be afraid to take the eggs off the heat while still a little bit runny as they’ll continue to cook quite a bit with the residual heat.

Buckwheat crepes can be made in advance. I love having some in the freezer to pull out when needed. Great for making a midweek breakfast feel fancy or fill with leftovers and call it dinner.

Happy cooking. Kelly x

Lemon & chive buckwheat crepes w/ silky scrambled eggs & smoked salmon

Makes 8 crepes  / Serves 4


1 cup buckwheat flour

1 cup milk (dairy or non dairy will both work)

¼ cup olive oil or melted butter

3 free range eggs – lightly beaten (for crepes)

2 tablespoons finely chopped chives

Zest of 1 lemon

¼ teaspoon sea salt

8 free range eggs (for scrambling

8 slices cold-smoked salmon or gravlax

Ghee or butter for cooking eggs and crepes

To serve: finely chopped chives

Whisk the buckwheat flour, milk, oil, eggs, chives, lemon zest and salt together in a large bowl until smooth.

Heat a spoonful of oil in a sauté pan  / crepe pan over a medium heat. Pour ¼ cups of batter into the pan and swirl pan a little to spread very thinly. Cook for 1 minute before flipping and cooking for a further 1 minute. Watch the temperature of the crepes. You are aiming for lightly golden. Repeat until all the batter is used. Add additional oil as needed. Store completed crepes covered in a warm oven until ready to use or make up to 24 hours in advance.

Crepes can be reheated gently in a warm sauté pan or in the oven on a low heat.

Season the beaten eggs with sea salt. Heat a large sauté pan over a low heat. Add 3 tablespoons of butter and wait until melted and foamy. Add the eggs, leave to sit for 5 seconds and then use a spatula to gently move the eggs around the pan. Use long swirling motions, bringing the eggs in from the outside of the pan into the middle. Once the eggs are 80% cooked, remove from the heat (they will continue to set).

Place a warm buckwheat crepe on each plate and divide the egg among these. Add 2 slices of smoked salmon to each, sliced avocado (if using) and fold crepe over. Garnish with freshly chopped chives.

Serve immediately. Enjoy! x