Proscuitto & fennel pizza (the easiest GF base ever)

Proscuitto & fennel pizza (the easiest GF base ever)

My daughter Bonnie (Miss nearly 5) has recently become obsessed with pizza. This might seem like a super obvious kid-friendly treat food (I mean who isn’t in love with mozzarella!?) but she’d actually turned her nose up at it every time until she had an encounter with a Hawaiian pizza at a friends birthday party. For some reason she decided she loved it and the floodgate of pizza adoration has opened. It’s now a weekly request. While she favours the usual kid flavours, I like to make this very simple but slightly more grown-up combinations for Luke and I. The lovely saltiness of prosciutto with lots of stretchy, rich mozzarella and a fresh salad topping is heavenly. We love this as part of our Friday or Saturday night family wind-down meal.

This gluten free base is the easiest you’ll ever make. I promise. You simply whisk all the ingredients together and spread out a baking sheet. No kneading, no special equipment and only one bowl. I’ll always make an extra base or two while I’m prepping and freeze until we have a pizza-emergency (it’s a real thing!)

I hope you’ll give this recipe a go! Tag me in on social media if you do. What are your pizza favourite toppings? Kelly xox

Prosciutto & fennel pizza (w/ the easiest GF base ever)

Serves 3-4

Pizza Base

(Makes 1 large base)

1 cup tapioca flour

1 1/4 cups almond meal

1 teaspoon gluten free baking powder

½ cup milk

1 free range egg

½ teaspoon dried Italian herbs

Sea salt and cracked black pepper

Pizza sauce

½ cup tomato passata

1 garlic clove - minced

To assemble

2 cups (or more!) grated NZ mozzarella cheese

50g prosciutto

1 fennel bulb

Juice of ½ lemon

Drizzle olive oil

Sea salt and cracked black pepper

Preheat oven to 220 degrees celsius

Combine all the pizza base ingredients in a mixing bowl and whisk together. Set aside for 5 minutes. Mix well.

Line a baking sheet with baking paper. Use a thin spatula to spread the mixture into a thin circle that is roughly 30cm in diameter and 1/2cm thick. Bake for 10-12 minutes and place on a rack to cool.

(You can also choose to make two smaller bases - ideal as an individual pizza for kids)

Combine the tomato passata and garlic. Spread over the pizza base. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese (feel free to add more than I’ve specified!). Tear each prosciutto slice in half and drape over the cheese.

Place in the oven and bake for 10-12 minutes, until the cheese is bubbling.

While the pizza is in the oven, use a mandoline to slice the fennel VERY thinly.  Finely chop the fennel fronds. Toss both with the lemon juice and a drizzle of olive oil. Season with sea salt and cracked black pepper.

Remove the pizza from the oven. Garnish with cracked black pepper.

Top pizza with the raw fennel salad and serve immediately.